Corporate Partnerships

Corporate Partnerships

Movement is Medicine™

The brand that transforms your employees' relationship with stress and harnesses the power of some of the simplest tools in the world: music and dance.

Music and dance

are exceptional conduits for connecting with ourselves, others, and the world around us.

Our neuroscience-backed method

has been thoroughly tested and proven effective on thousands of individuals worldwide.

Now, we are thrilled to extend this transformative experience to your workplace!

According to Great Britain's workplace regulator:

There were approximately

914,000 reported cases of work-related stress, depression, or anxiety in 2021/22

In fact, this accounts for over

half of all working days lost due to work-related ill health.

As a result, an astounding

17 million working days were lost due to these issues

Through our program, we educate participants on the nature of stress, unravelling the reasons behind their emotions. Equipped with this knowledge, we empower individuals with the tools to physically move through their stress.

The impact of our teachings extends far beyond the workplace, as these tools can be readily applied in daily life. By investing in your employees' well-being within the workplace, you are cultivating a foundation that reaches beyond mere professional boundaries.

Previous Clients

To discover more about how we can collaborate with your business, please reach out to us through this contact form or via